Sharing my WhiWa floor 12 cheese strats so hopefully it can help F2P players a little


- Token: Plunderer on both halves

- Upper half: Camellya S1R1 (Nightmare Crownless), Sanhua S6 EoG, Shorekeeper S0 Variation

- Lower half: Xiangli Yao S0R1 (Nightmare Thundering Mephis), Spectro MC EoG (Lingering Tunes), Verina S1 Variation

Camellya team's strat:

- First rotation: Camellya will go first, nuke immediately at round start, switch to AoE mode, empty forte, echo, swap to Sanhua. For Sanhua just use resonance skill, echo, then swap to SK and do the same thing.

- From second rotation: For Camellya, try to use her skill burst and ult as soon as you have them to do as much damage in the shortest time as you can. Don't spend too much time spinning if you feel you're wasting time. For Sanhua, if you have S5 or S6, feel free to get full concerto for her before swapping to Camellya since she doesn't take much field time. I also recommend giving her one 3c ER echo so she can get her ult more consistent for this mode. As for SK, just use her skill, ult and then swap to Sanhua. Don't bother getting full concerto for her. If you do it right, you can get anywhere from 2 to 2.5k points for this team. It's pretty RNG-based but it won't be too bad if your team is well-built enough. I think I did about 10 attempts to get this run. The hardest part is dealing with the dancers because they can interrupt both Camellya and Sanhua if the timing is bad enough. Spend some time to experiment with them and you'll soon figure out the timing you need.

Yao team's strat:

- tl;dr: Ult/forte/skill spam with your best nukers

- For Yao: spam ult, then skill, then forte, then swap cancel. Tip: When Yao enters his startup animation for his forte attacks, you can immediately swap to the next character, no need to wait for his animation to end. If you have his ult, you may walk or dash to one side of the enemy group for a second before pressing ult, so you'll hit most or all of them.

- For SMC: spam ult, skill, then echo. I use Lingering Tunes because I have the set, plus the mech echo will hit every enemy within the range, so it's incredibly effective in this case. Of course you can use Jue or even HMC with Dreamless. They should give more damage compared to LT.

- Verina: use her skill, echo, then 2-3 basic attacks, then ult if you have it. If you have S2 Verina, you can get full concerto for better damage for your 2 DPS characters. If not, just swap quickly when you're done.

- Swap as often as possible between characters so you don't waste time waiting for their animation to end. Pay attention to the right side of the screen. If you see the intro indicator on one character, swap immediately and spam that character's available moves. If you do it right, you can get between 2-2.5k. I did screw up quite a few times and I still got pretty decent points, so try it for yourself. Also be careful of the Chop-chops since they can grab you, and don't get too close to the fatasses when they are about to attack. Nuke them with your best nukes and you'll gain a lot of points.