Why Does Every Episode In S2 have "Kiss" In It?

I LOVVEDDD S2, Ive literally rewatched it like 3 times already. (yes I'm crazy, I know.) The thing is though is I'm sliiightllyy confused. Why does every Episode have the title "KISS" in it? Does it mean something? Cause most of the episodes titled with "KISS" in it, ends up having nothing to do with kissing in the episode. Does it mean the school? Is it supposed to lead up to anticipation for the characters? Like... I don't know😭!!?!?! I can't piece why they chose to name the episodes with that, Unless it could mean the school itself.

I really hope I'm not blowing this out of proportion, or overthinking it. But I do find it kinda, odd in way that every episode has "KISS/KISSING" in it. I literally thought the last episode Kitty & Minho would Kiss because of the title, but that definitely uh.... didn't happen😭. (I'm more for the slow burn, but I did think at first they were gonna kiss at the end after we saw their bond & connection growing. Im now honestly glad they didn't. )