In defense of Madison

I always see people criticize her but I have no idea why?

I see the argument that she's a koreaboo? Is liking korean music & movies a bad thing? She is like the only one who learns and uses Korean.

I feel like she's a little misunderstood it's okay if you think she's annoying but I don't think hating her seems justified.

I mean if you think of it she's been in the boarding school world seemingly all her life it seams from when she was describing the whole in detention debacle... She's used to it...

This brings me to another point... If the reason is to do with Minho doesn't it make a little sense that she doesn't want anything serious? Who knows she could get transferred to another boarding school whenever her parents want to.. That's not the greatest foundation for a relationship... Even if that isn't the case there's nothing wrong with just wanting something casual anyway.

And everyone seems to judge her so harshly... Even Minho during their camping trip.. I get he was upset cause she was late but he didn't have to be so rude to her and dismiss her reasons for being late and shame her for who she spends her time with...

It just surprises me how much everyone doesn't like her... even in the show she doesn't really seem to fit in and everyone is kinda rude to her makes no sense to me. She's nothing but nice and kind to everyone and she's cool and eccentric... she knows what she likes and isn't embarrassed by it.

I think she's cool in my book.