Do you remember when they suddenly started calling them hoodies?
In 1998, my friends had the following conversation: did I leave my hoodie at your house? What hoodie? The green hoodie! You don't have a green hoodie!...etc. me: Are you saying hood-e? To which they turned their animosity toward me and told me that everyone had called them hoodies forever. And then everyone called them hoodies ever since. Wikipedia does say that the term "hoodie" was not widely used until the 1990s, so I guess that makes me feel a little better. But seriously I spent the 90s in multiple regions of the US, in small towns and in large cities, and did not hear the word hoodie until the very end. Also I'm still annoyed that my friends had such a toxic relationship that when they would start to bicker they were just gang up on me as a way to defuse their argument.