Do the viewers trust the process?

Sometimes when I read posts here, people seem really angry at the writers for not telling the entire story immediately. We know the series is planned to run for five seasons. We are about midway through season three, which means midway through the entire series. There’s still a lot of story to tell, and a lot of time to tell it. Do the viewers really not trust the writers to eventually get to everything?

People just seem really quick to moan about the pacing and want all of the answers right fucking NOW. If that happened, there’d be no real point to the show. One example is Tai’s wife and kid. People were grumpy that they weren’t addressing her family, but then they did in the last episode, which was obviously written and filmed long before people were complaining here about Simone and Sammy vanishing. It feels like we as viewers are really impatient and don’t trust the writers, but clearly they have reasons for the way they’re unraveling the whole story.

Do you trust production’s process or do you think the show is sloppy?