All the mysteries (that I can think of)

These are all the mysteries that have yet to be answered by the show and may get answered in the following episodes!

• The cabin fire- who caused it, and why?

• The wilderness symbol- what is its meaning, who made it, and how did Tai know where to find them?

•Kristle’s body- where did it go, is she alive somehow? (extremely unlikely)

•the cabin itself- Cabin Daddy, possible cabin daughter, how did he die, why did he build a cabin there in the first place?

•Javi’s disappearance- how did he survive, and who was he talking with?

•Ben’s food cache- will Mari reveal where it is/that she ate REAL food?

•Antler Queen- who will it be, when will it show up, is it multiple people?

•Pit girl- when will we see the scene, who will it be (probably the female birder)

•Rescue- when and how will they be rescued, and what will be their initial reactions?

•The birders- are they actually birders, do they have a connection to the adult timeline (Waltuh or Hillary Swank?) How will they die?

•Man with no eyes- what is his meaning, how have multiple people seen him, how will/will this character show up again and in what capacity?

Moving on to the adult timeline:

• Lottie’s death- who killed her and why?

•Dark Tai- how will Van deal with her and why does she exist (it’s not DID so what is it?)

•The tape/the stalker- who is it, what is their connection to the YJ?

•Walter- does he just match Misty’s freak or is he connected to the YJ in some way? Does he have an ulterior motive? (I think it’s unlikely but that’s just me)

And finally, the big one:

•Are they all crazy or is there really something supernatural at play here- and if not? What was the reason behind all the weird occurrences? Will we be given a concrete answer?

That’s all I can think of so far, let me know if I missed anything!