Theory: Yellowjackets symbol are land survey symbols

I'm fairly certain the Yellowjacket symbol is a land survey symbol. I first saw this post: ( on reddit, and so I started to do some digging and found other land survey symbols that further back up my claims. Now, I just taught myself surveyor symbols during my lunch break, so please correct me if I'm wrong lol.

Here are engineering symbols;

the triangle is the triangulation station and the circle is traverse, and where they intersect is where the fixed surveying station is (which are setup on summits). Also, if a land survey symbol has a line (or x) through it, that means you can't build here/its a protected area.

So, if the hikers who showed up are bird surveyors, they could be stationed at the survey station. This is also how the teens get rescued—presumably, the hikers are killed, and a search party would be sent out, eventually finding the teens within the boundaries of the survey area.

Anyway, I wanted to type up more but ran out of time! What do yous think? I also know that others point out the hook at the bottom of the symbol is a hobo symbal for 'halt', so that could indiciate where the protected area boundary ends.