I'm sorry but anyone who thinks Jamie is the bad guy of the show....you are being gaslighted by the show writer.
Let me put it this way; A adopted child is forced into a profession that he never wanted, solely to serve his power-hungry self-centered father’s interests and agendas. Relentlessly abused his whole life by both John and Beth and is chastised when he stands up for himself. He feels like such a failure that he reaches a point of ending his own life. He is only saved so he can be further controlled, only to later be discarded by the family all together for failing to meet their rigid expectations. They embarrass him at his job and actively hinder his ability to go out on his own.
He finds his biological father as well as his child and is shown love, comradery, and real family-oriented loyalty. Granted the bio father was a bad man but so was his adoptive father so that shouldn't matter.
Ultimately, he is killed by his sociopathic sister, who shows up at his house with a tire iron and a desire to kill. After killing him, she refuses to take responsibility for a tragic mistake she, her boyfriend and her brother made as teenagers—one driven largely by their fear of their father’s reaction, which would have almost certainly sent Rip to the train station. Meanwhile, Beth and her serial killer husband are framed as the “heroic” couple the audience is supposed to root for.
Quite the narrative, wouldn’t you say?