What percent of your portfolio is MSTY?
Currently MSTY accounts for 13% of my portfolio and growing, as I DRIP. The rest of my portfolio is largely SPY, NVDIA, and HOOD, among some other ones I have smaller positions for.
Wanted to get some advice from more experienced investors. I'm a recent college graduate. I've been investing in the stock market since I was 19, but now with the money I make from my job I'm starting to put in higher quantities. I have a medium-to-high risk tolerance. 24 years old and I work remotely with low living expenses. The capital I have in my brokerage account is important but not blatantly necessary to me, meaning if I lose it I will still be okay.
Is 12% of my portfolio a reasonable portion to have in MSTY? Would you recommend increasing it by a big percentage, or keeping it around this number?