About yone e nerf.

People might not agree to this but I think the latest yone e nerf is something on the right direction. I have been a huge Yasuo player and enjoyer for a very long time The moment I saw Yone for the first time I immediately felt that he was supposed to be an easier version of Yasuo

His entire kit just screams to me to be able to do more damage than Yasuo.

People are upset that riot has nerf his e but isn't it necessary since I feel like yone has been projailed for while now.

Because of how easier Yone is compared to Yasuo his overall power is just not high enough.

Yone is easier to kill than Yasuo (at least he was supposed to be) because he makes up for it with his superior damage and burst threat.

However for a very long time now whenever I play yone and Yasuo side by side it just doesn't feel like yone deals damage unless you are fed compared to Yasuo. Yone and Yasuo are both supposed to be 1v9 chams but for like a year I have not had a game where I saw a yone 1v9 compared to Yasuo even before Yasuo buffs.

I agree that his e was supposed to be a huge part of his skill expression. But if removing it gives riot the chance to not projail him and maybe in future gives room for damage buffs then in general I think in the LONG TERM this is a good step for yone winrate in solo queue .

I don't know about you guys but I just want Yone to have a better winrate. Because currently it is nothing compared to Yasuo. And I can feel it when I play him.