Curious about being snowed in

Was just curious about any info on a scenario where if you stay at lodging inside the valley during a snowstorm.

Has there ever been an instance where people stay in the park have been forced to sat inside the park due to inclement weather? Like the roads haven’t been able to open?

Was curious as we’ve had our Yosemite reservations at the Yosemite valley lodge cancelled 2 years in a row due to inclement weather.

Has there been an instance where people that have staying in the park couldn’t leave? Would they have to stay in their accommodations (Yosemite valley lodge, Awahnee, curry village) past their reserved days? Would they have to pay in this scenario?

Our would they be evacuated?

I wouldn’t mind being forced to stay a few days if we couldn’t leave.. assuming it’s safe and there are some stores/facilities that are partially operational..