Conversations that needed to happen for the show to make any sense
Liza - when she says she lied about her age for her daughter. I understand that there might be some rationale for this, but the fact that nobody even brought up her being able to get a job just not the job she wanted...ridiculous. They could have given her character so much more depth to just challenge her here.
Also, she cheated on Josh after being cheated on and no one challenged her on that either? She just got away with being selfish because she was pushing Josh away for wanting a kid? That was a decision I could have understood as a viewer if she had owned it. But acting like it was for
Josh - why don't you have your own friends? Did they move? Did your band break up? Stop going to dodgeball? He had his own life and then he didn't?
Kelsey - mad at liza for sleeping with Charles because it endangered her career AFTER sleeping with all her authors?? Liza probably could have pushed back on that one a bit
Charles - ok bud. Make mercury your own publishing house. Get after it. But like...just wait a year for millennial to get on its feet? Spend some time with your kids. You'll still have your rep and it works better for everyone. For Liza and Charles to have so many conversations about this conflict and it not have even come up...? Hard to suspend my disbelief
Kelsey and Zane - about anything. The entire basis of their relationship is misunderstanding each other over basic conflict that they could've had intelligent conversations about that given their characters, more death that opportunity opportunity to connect. Instead, we're doomed to watch them make the same mistakes with each other over and over and over again.
Y'all got any others?