Need help building a theorycraft deck
I'm building a Live Twin Fiendsmith Spright deck for when ALIN comes out, and this is including what I think will be the hits on banlist (Engraver to 1, Druiswurm to 1, Tract to 1 just like in the OCG). I have a couple questions.
1. Is there a detriment to running more than 42 cards? Someone told me it messes with the ratios of deckbuilding. I only wanted to add one or two more cards.
2. Should I add another Secret Password and/or Ki-Sikil Frost?
3. Should I cut a Spright Blue or keep it since it's the Spright combo line?
4. Should I play two Spright Starters and side Double Cross or play 1 Starter 1 Double Cross? Leaning towards 1 and 1 since Starter does Level 2 lock and Muckraker Fiend locks, plus I only really need one.
5. Any side deck cards I should run instead of what I have? I'm not very well versed in Fiendsmith so I'm not sure if the Desirae, Sequence, and Agnumday are even needed if I just go into Wave High King Caesar every round.
6. What handtraps should I be running?
7. Should I have the combo protectors in main deck? Or are they fine in side deck going first?
Side is still a work in progress, it's mostly cards I was considering for Main.