Comments and jokes on yesterdays video felt weird
- I am of south Asian decent
- I don't think aba and preach are racists at all, nor am I defending anyone in the video they were completely in the wrong
- Please be cordial, this isn't a claim of racism or a takedown at the end of the day it's nothing too too serious.
I've been watching aba n preach for a few years now and always thought they were extremely funny and reasonable about most of their political stances. So it was a little weird and suprising to me when I was watching yesterdays video and they got to the part where the dad said "quit while you're ahead alladin". The streamers name is "King Alladin" if I recall correctly he was just referring to his streaming name. Unfortunately most people thought it was a race joke so they just laughed about it, not only that aba n preach themselves joined in. Now again I don't think they're racist, and I pretty much agreed with everything else in the video. It just feels like we caught a stray for no reason lol.
I believe if it was a black guy that was causing issues and they ended up calling him Mr.PoPo or something like that they wouldn't find it as funny or say "hey he was wrong but you don't need to bring race into it". Not only that with the tensions in Canada with middle easterners and south Asians alot of the comments are just dunking on us or middle easterners. I get the streamer did fucked up things and was 100% in the wrong but why bring race into it like that. Aba himself said he doesn't like making fun of people for things they can't change so I'm surprised he even laughed about that. I'm half expecting to just be downvoted to oblivion but I'm seriously open to discussion just please be cordial.
- I am of south Asian decent
- I don't think aba and preach are racists at all, nor am I defending anyone in the video they were completely in the wrong
- Please be cordial, this isn't a claim of racism or a takedown at the end of the day it's nothing too too serious.
I've been watching aba n preach for a few years now and always thought they were extremely funny and reasonable about most of their political stances. So it was a little weird and suprising to me when I was watching yesterdays video and they got to the part where the dad said "quit while you're ahead alladin". The streamers name is "King Alladin" if I recall correctly he was just referring to his streaming name. Unfortunately most people thought it was a race joke so they just laughed about it, not only that aba n preach themselves joined in. Now again I don't think they're racist, and I pretty much agreed with everything else in the video. It just feels like we caught a stray for no reason lol.
I believe if it was a black guy that was causing issues and they ended up calling him Mr.PoPo or something like that they wouldn't find it as funny or say "hey he was wrong but you don't need to bring race into it". Not only that with the tensions in Canada with middle easterners and south Asians alot of the comments are just dunking on us or middle easterners. I get the streamer did fucked up things and was 100% in the wrong but why bring race into it like that. Aba himself said he doesn't like making fun of people for things they can't change so I'm surprised he even laughed about that. I'm half expecting to just be downvoted to oblivion but I'm seriously open to discussion just please be cordial.