Should I give up my acting dreams?

Ok so this might be a bit of a weird situation but I just want some good advice please.

I’m a college freshman and at the moment I’m focusing on school since I need to transfer next semester. I would like to get involved with acting more at the new school hopefully. I think that would be a good start for gaining experience. I wish I could’ve given it a more serious try years ago but school has always taken up all my time and I hate it.

Basically I’ve wanted to be an actress since I was like 13. I started becoming interested in acting when I was in high school, 9th and 10th grade to be exact. I auditioned for my school play then and I got casted as a supporting more minor role. But this is pretty much the only real acting experience I have because my parents were not supportive of the idea of me pursuing something like acting.

I know how hard it is but I really want to try and I still feel like acting is one of my true passions cause it’s always in the back of my mind because I enjoy it so much. But there’s just so many factors that would make it very difficult, I won’t be able to afford acting classes unless it’s free for example is one.

I just want to know if it would be worth me actually pursuing acting more seriously and I haven’t done any legit auditions yet. I have backstage with my email but every audition I see is I just can’t do it because of it’s location. Seriously like nothing good on that website is in my area. I also have no connections like absolutely zero and I would have to do it on my own. But like I said I would love to try something local in college for a start.

I know I would have nothing to lose but I feel like acting is my true dream career. Is it just too unrealistic for me to pursue?