Unions are cool and they helped me

So my issue with my boss was that I had asked him if he could make a schedule of sampling events and inspections for me because I have ADHD. Understandably, since the schedule items were only for me and him, he and HR didn't think it was necessary for him to plan things out like that. But I was asking for this because I have ADHD and it would help me prepare for the sampling events if I knew about them in advance, because I was afraid I'd make mistakes and he would complain and say I wasn't cut out for the job. It was the only accommodation I was asking for.

After I got my psychiatrist involved to send a letter to HR, they started being stricter about my lateness and my attitude and wrote me up 3 times in a year. I finally kinda picked up on the hint and started to law low and work on my morning tardiness and the way I interacted with my boss, but my boss would continue to try to change the schedule last minute, and literally 75% of the sampling events and inspections he would either reschedule, cancel, or he wouldn't even invite me and ask people from other departments to accompany him instead. He did all that work to avoid making a simple schedule of sampling events and inspections.

So finally after two years, I hunted down our union steward (because he was hard to find and HR would refer me to him but wouldn't offer his contact information and I also had little hope that the union would be able to do anything to help me because upper management played it off that way) and the union steward told HR that the union actually wanted to set up a meeting with everyone and HR was like wait I'll handle this. And miraculously two weeks after I talked to the union steward, my boss made a nice schedule of sampling events and inspections over looking the next 3 months. Also miraculously, I've been much easier to work with since he finally started making a real schedule. Who would have thought that I wasn't just a lazy piece of crap and I actually was asking for something that would help me.