Stimulant takers, do you get "the poops" if you eat immediately before or after taking your meds?
I've been on adderall XR since I was about 8 or so (it works perfectly!) but I CANNOT eat in the morning or I will have... well... explosive diarrhea with horrific stomach pains for like 40+ mins.
It happens like instantly too. If I take my meds and eat afterwards, you'll catch me on the toilet in like 10-20 mins. I haven't tried without my meds because I take them daily, my body is used to being on daily them for years now, but on the days I may forget my meds, it still seems to happen.
Idk, maybe l'm experiencing an intolerance of some sorts, but I definitely was wondering if it could be a side effect of the meds that Ive just ignored for almost 2 decades lol.