ADHD meltdown??
Posting here because this is the only thing that I feel like I can do without shutting down.
Woke up yesterday and took my meds but just felt a bit off. I was able to go back to sleep for a bit after taking my meds but then things went downhill and now I’m on my second day in bed feeling utterly overwhelmed and frozen. Nothing bad even happened - the morning just didn’t go the way I wanted in terms of getting stuff done and I felt like I had to just give up on the day.
The apartment is a mess but every time I think about tackling it I get angry (that I let it get to this place), overwhelmed (it will take forever! Where to start? The place is so small it will just get cluttered again immediately so why even try!?) and then I think about the other life admin and work I have to do and am rage spiraling? I think????
My heart is pounding and I feel like I can’t even bear to be around other people. I don’t know how to explain this to my partner (who is being very chill and giving me lots of space and taking care of the puppy).
I have been up since 9 this morning (and again did take my meds) but have kept myself in the dark bedroom because apparently I can’t handle anything at all. On top of it, I can already feel that I’m getting even madder at myself because I’ve wasted a whole weekend when I had plans to get shit in order (do yoga! Knock out some work stuff I am late on/ get a tiny bit ahead before the week barrels toward me! Book flights for a cousin’s wedding! Put away clothes and generally tidy up so I don’t feel so shit about the apartment!)
Why am I so frozen!?!? I have had this happen before but never for this long. I’m freaking out and just getting angrier and angrier and all I want to do is sleep so the world goes away but I can’t even do that. How can I snap out of this???
This is a lot but I didn’t know where else to turn. Thank you SO much for just being a safe space to land, let alone for taking the time to read and reply