How to handle withdrawal symptoms when it’s over but AP is around socially

I recently ended 8 months of full blown physical and emotional affair with a close friend.

We decided to maturely end it because we both could not leave SOs and it’s unrealistic to go legit anyway. He was the one who pulled the plug. Breakup was sad and emotional but I managed to accept it.

The thing is, although we decided to stay as ‘friends’; I know this idea is nonsense, we are still texting and having phone calls - restricting going sexual. We know it’s uncool not going completely NC, but we do it anyway as a part of denial phase I guess.

We work at a same company and are in a close friend group. We see each other often, as a result, painful struggle from the withdrawal of sex. Sexually, we were each other’s best. So compatible. Sex was the main reason we kept seeing despite of guilt and risk, it was worth the risk to be honest.

For both parties, it’s impossible to get it from SOs. When the urge kicks in occasionally, I fantasize seducing him and having sex whenever there’s a chance in the near future. What’s wrong with me.

It’s been only three weeks, will it go away as time goes by? How should I change my mindset not to miss it anymore? I get turned on just by looking at his eyes.