Things that Christians do and say that make no sense.
Number one. When they see somebody practicing another religion. They say I rebuke it or say Father forgiveness. They do not know what they're doing It's usually on a YouTube or TikTok ig comment And I'm like if you disagree with the video or rebuke it then get off it. It's not that hard Number 2 Why do they preach At abortion clinic Like I understand. Like it's unnecessary you having an abortion when you keep on having sex unprotected purposely But it is necessary when you're a Rape and incest and Very deadly pregnancy that can Going to kill you. victim And They Think they are saving lives and doing the greater good, but they're harming people. With that mindset. Number 3 So why do they like to throw Bible verses? After Bible verse, when they can just use their Own the words and not have to bring up a Bible Verse. Every.time And it's irritating number 4 Why do they? Think they're loving. People when they're not. They say I'm just trying to save you from eternal fire Or we love you And I'm like. How can you love me and you don't know me Also.what they have is toxic love Number 5 They act like. Not say like but act like. They're right, and everybody else is wrong. And also they can't admit this. But 99. Percent of Christians Are the most arrogant and prideful People you would ever meet (So yeah, that's my rant)