What's up with new players love for bolt action snipers and pistols?
Every person I've tried to introduce to airsoft has immediately wanted their first replica to either be a sniper, or a pistol. Why does this happen? Is it because of all those airsoft sniper content creators? I do warn them about pistols high maintenance and the snipers minimal engagement distance (all my local fields are cqb), and yet they just think, "I'll just get a pistol for close range and use the sniper for long range." and they end up spending like 500$ on a sniper, pistol, and scope for the sniper. They end up having some fun the first two matches but after their third game the side arms always either start leaking gas, or have jamming issues due to not maintaining their pistol well enough and then quit altogether.
Am I the problem? Am I missing something? Like I'll tell them to rent a gun first but they'll say something like, "don't worry ill love it, I just know it." I get that its about having fun but I need people I can consistently play airsoft with locally that I can yammer about brain rot with or smt.