Schedule to newbe friends :D

Hi guys!

I convinced my friends to join me playing AO for at least one day, so im planning a schedule on what to do with them to have their joy the most high possible. Im not a group player but always want to play the game with close friends.

So can u help me with group activitys from 3-8 players?

I was thinking of something like:

First hour: Tutorial

Second hour: Reach T4-T5 of the different builds they want to play (idc if they are meta, i just want that they could work with them) / Doing solo Dg and open world

Third hour: Group dg

Forth hour: Avalonians

When we were 5 people: First do some arena and then 5v5 Hellgates

Something like that, i dont mean i have to follow the schedule on everything its just a guide for me to dont stay without ideas on what to do and keep the fun up.

Im curious about the traking activity, never done it before, if someone could teach about that i would be verry happy.

Thanks for ur help, love ya :D (srry for my english, not my main lenguage)