I don't know what happened in the last 10 years, but it seems to me like Algeria is becoming very misogynist

Whenever I'm on Algerian Instagram, I'm genuinely surprised by the amount of misogyny and disrespect. I'm surprised because I wasn't raised in this kind of environment at all. I come from a touristic city, but I never remember a woman being cat called or women being disrespected. Women don't wear short skirts for sure, but Algerian Instagram is on a whole other level, Like I keep seeing people taking trash and accusing women of sleeping with their bosses when it comes to any woman who works. And not just this ... a lot of just general misogyny everywhere. I thought that it was only an Instagram thing, but last time I went back I noticed how many uneducated people are on the streets, they dress so dirty and talk so loud and most of them are 12 to 25 ... It's super weird because I genuinely don't remember it being like this (at least in my city) just 5 years ago. This is genuinely sad. I don't think that I believe that we are a Muslim society anymore.