Gastro issues with AA?
I’ve had AA since I was a kid and it was mostly in remission until this year and now it’s way worse. 39yo female.
In addition, I’ve also been suffering from undiagnosed gut issues. Although I eat healthy I struggle with bloating, diarrhea, soft stool, and constipation. I’ve also had blood in my stool and no cancer.
For the AA I received the steroid shots and a shampoo like I did when I was a kid but rather than help, It inflamed my scalp even more and I lost more hair. So then I began to think about my gastro issues and the science started popping up. I took the antibiotic for IBS that I was putting off because I was desperate to stop my scalp itch and inflammation and thought it may and it did calm it from day one. I’m still losing a lot of hair but my scalp health is better.
There has been emerging research linking the gut micro biome to AA. Here is one of the studies:
So I’m curious, do you have any of the following?