Alpha Gal RED Meat allergy & Mastocytosis

By the symptoms my husband is told his MASTOCYTOSIS IS Indolent means that u have none or very few flares/attacks & when u do usually mild. Im beginning to think that what we thought were mastocytosis flushing flares was alpha gal meat allergy reactions!!! Since no red meats no attacks! He had started having red flares 2 times a week & day ! They used to be 3 months apart or even went 9 months but started reacting weekly! tested for alpha gal with IGE test & level 70, then 50, and has been 10, 19, 30s. He has had alpha gal since 2017 but was able to still eat red meats & we thought every few months he got hot, red face flushing & GI issues due to Mastocytosis but we stopped all red meats Jan 8th 2024 & the weekly red flush flares stopped! Im starting to wonder if the Bone marrow Biopsy was even right & if he even has mastocytosis! I have requested a different pathologist view the slides etc. oh & alpha gal level total IGE shouldnt be over 1 or 10? I cant remember. Husbands is high each test via blood test. His Tryptase stays 50 year round even without flares. Only time will tell whats what . In his bmb said he had cluster of mast cells (which are in all parts of body anyway on all people) spindle shaped cells (also can be in normal b.marrow or with cancers) & stained had high TRYPTASE. So they confirmed Mastocytosis & NO KIT, WAS C-KIT NEG. BUT HAS A ASXL1 mutation gene of unknown significance. My husband only takes famotodine, ceterizine daily & liquid kids benidryl if he gets hot & red flares. WEVE NEVER BEEN TOLD THAT ITS A CANCER. But ive read it because it involves the blood? But my husband goes to a VA hematologist, a hemotologist he saw also outside of the VA & A Allergist at VA. NONE SAID CANCER. OH & my husbands hemoglobin stays around 21. Most normal is 16 or 14 men or 18. But he also smokes alot & has mild COPD. Also when he has been eating red meat for a few years after tested for alpha gal he never has reacted to MOST PORK! ONLY BEEF . He eats country ham no issues!!!! but bacon can randomly cause red flush face & feels hot. Ribs never bothered him. Corn beef did. i dont understand.