Yaesu repair options/experiences with sending a radio back to Yaesu USA (FT857D) looking for help.

My ft. 857d has a loose select encoder, the encoder itself is still available and would be about $2 plus labor and shipping for the factory to repair it. They are however, looking at about a month turnaround time.

I've also got some concerns which may be completely unfounded that with the transceiver set for 100 w. I'm only seeing 68 on my antenna tuner on the way out with SWR.

Yaesu would align and test the radio while it's there.

Anyone know of any repair shops in the the CT/NY/MA area?

Is Yaesu normally quicker to turn the radio around than the estimated time?

I really just don't want to be without the radio for a month if I can avoid it ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯