L4 to L5 Promo - Supply Chain - Advise

Hey everyone!

Wanted to get your thoughts and experience, I’m inclined for promo in Q2. Currently L4 Supply Chain Manager in Seattle - Base 87K and TC is 108K.

I’m currently 100% under leveled as everyone in my org is either L5 or L6 supply chain manager but did internal transfer and they couldn’t get me approved for a skip level.

Anyway, wanted to ask if I can really see a jump in my base pay to be at least 110K or 120K like my fellows after promos? Or it’s only 10-15% increase which would still put me in 95-100K bracket of base pay?

Do you guys know or can estimate what’s the average RSUs for promo grant would be and when they would vest?

Do you think it’s possible, should I negotiate or push back or just accept it and try to move to another company?

Thank you :)