Why people can't accept that I don't want to watch dragon ball

So first of all let me clarify i don't hate dragon ball and I have watched decent amount of DBZ and i loved playing DBZ kakarot but I left DBZ midway through because I got bored i didn't wanna watch more. When I tell my friends this, they say you are mad, you don't understand anime, you watched DBZ without DB watch it from the beginning. Ok I get they like it but it is wrong sayingi don't understand anime I have watched freaking 3000 anime episodes (i know it's not a lot but it isn't less either) which is excluding some big shows like Naruto and One peice. Anime fans can some times be so stupid especially those who have only watched like 3 shows atmost. And it's frustrating because they are really good friends you can't leave them because of one show