Should I stop taking my antidepressants because of r/antipsychiatry/ what are you experiences with going off antidepressants?

Hi, I am F18 and I have been on 50 grams of sertraline for about two years now. It has honestly been going great and helps with my depression and OCD. That being said the other day I was talking to my roommate and she mentioned she doesn't believe in medicating for psychological problems. This was kind of in passing and I didn't ask her to elaborate on it further because I was kind of in shock since she knows I am medicated. I couldn't stop thinking about this and decided to go on r/Antipsychiatry and see why people don't believe in medicating and I was kind of at a loss for words. For some more context, I am an undergrad premed and have always wanted to be a doctor (not a psychiatrist) so what some of these people are saying was sort of jarring to me but some of it made sense. It got me wondering if maybe I should try to start getting off my meds just to see what happens. I have never had any bad mental or physical side effects from these drug and I genuinely don't believe they have "numbed" me to the real world (I still laugh, cry, get angry). What I'm more worried about is if I actually do really need them and realize I have become reliant on them. Or what if I don't need them and my whole outlook on the medical world has been changed? Has anyone else gone through this? Any help would greatly be appreciated.