FAFO: Trump supporters in Moore County, Tennessee found out.

Jack Daniel's has laid off 650 workers, about 12% of their workforce, in part, because of the Trump tariffs.

The Liquor Control Board of Ontario has pulled all American made alcohol from their shelves. What will hurt Jack Daniel's is that it's sent to Canada as a consignment product. They don't pay for it if it doesn't sell.

“That’s worse than a tariff because it’s literally taking your sales away, [and] completely removing our products from the shelves,” Whiting said in an earnings call Wednesday. “That’s a very disproportionate response to a 25% tariff.”

Whiting is the CEO of Brown-Foreman that owns Jack Daniel's. He forgets that Canadians also produce alcoholic beverages. The only sales loss is Jack Daniel's as our northern friends drink their domestic product as well as other goods from sane countries.

A little background. Jack Daniel's is produced in Lynchburg, Tennessee, in Moore County. Population, around 6,500. 9.6% of those live below the property line.

With so many residents impacted by the layoffs, we know how that will go. Eating at McDonalds will be replaced by eating at home: at least until unemployment runs out. Sure, they may get SNAP benefits but the agencies involved will push for them to take any job, even if there are none. If the restaurants don't have enough customers, they'll start laying if, fail to hire replacement workers, and the snowball effect hits.

Why did I mention Trump supporters in my title? Some inspecting shows that 83.7% of voters, roughly half the total population, voted for Trump.