Caustic Reborn (Concept)
The problem with caustic is that he cannot be buffed without being OP, this is due to his tac and ult being one in the same, here is a proposed rework.
Passive “Dialed In” (Caustic gains RED threat vision on poisoned enemies while they are in his abilities and a slight speed increase while in gas) - The speed would not be much maybe 10% - The current green outline is just not cutting it and seems underpowered compare to other legends passives.
Tactical: “Gas Trap” Stays the same however, now that his ult is different and cant wipe a whole final circle, they bring back gas density or even a slow that gets worse as the ticks go up. If that is not in the question then up the damage. To counter the stronger traps maybe increase cooldown so it makes utility and trap placement very important - Something that make his gas on par with other controllers, you wouldnt dare run through a wattson fence, his gas should have the similar effect on aggressive teams. - Traps can still be destroyed as they are currently
Ultimate “Acid Bomb” same mechanics as his current ult, grenade style but instead of a huge gas cloud, it explodes and covers a smaller area in caustic acid. Either have it do a base damage and damage over time if you stay in it, simillar to a thermite, OR have it effect vision, reload speed, movement speed that kind of thing so your team cant just hide and wait out a easy squad wipe they still have to kill them with guns. Another idea is enemies in acid are weakened and take increased damage - Caustics teammates are affected by this so its risk over reward - im not saying his ULT gets ALL of these effects this is just a pool of ideas - AOE is smaller so it cant fill the whole ring in it
PERKS - Make parbolic force base kit
Blue Perks 1. “Ult Cooldown” (self explanatory) 2. “More traps” (increase active traps to 8) This makes you choose between a defensive or offensive playstyle
Purple Perks 1. “Breathe it in” (self healing while in gas but buff it just a little bit) its so weak right now its not even worth considering 2. “Fully Equipped” Caustics teammates get Nox Threat Vision This makes you choose between yourself or your team, increasing usefulness or caustics own lethality
Again this is just a concept. He would need balance testing and time to make sure he is not OP but the jist of it is they need to seperate his ult and tac so that they can buff parts of him without bringing back the death ring in the final circle. Let me know what you think
The problem with caustic is that he cannot be buffed without being OP, this is due to his tac and ult being one in the same, here is a proposed rework.
Passive “Dialed In” (Caustic gains RED threat vision on poisoned enemies while they are in his abilities and a slight speed increase while in gas) - The speed would not be much maybe 10% - The current green outline is just not cutting it and seems underpowered compare to other legends passives.
Tactical: “Gas Trap” Stays the same however, now that his ult is different and cant wipe a whole final circle, they bring back gas density or even a slow that gets worse as the ticks go up. If that is not in the question then up the damage. To counter the stronger traps maybe increase cooldown so it makes utility and trap placement very important - Something that make his gas on par with other controllers, you wouldnt dare run through a wattson fence, his gas should have the similar effect on aggressive teams. - Traps can still be destroyed as they are currently
Ultimate “Acid Bomb” same mechanics as his current ult, grenade style but instead of a huge gas cloud, it explodes and covers a smaller area in caustic acid. Either have it do a base damage and damage over time if you stay in it, simillar to a thermite, OR have it effect vision, reload speed, movement speed that kind of thing so your team cant just hide and wait out a easy squad wipe they still have to kill them with guns. Another idea is enemies in acid are weakened and take increased damage - Caustics teammates are affected by this so its risk over reward - im not saying his ULT gets ALL of these effects this is just a pool of ideas - AOE is smaller so it cant fill the whole ring in it
PERKS - Make parbolic force base kit
Blue Perks 1. “Ult Cooldown” (self explanatory) 2. “More traps” (increase active traps to 8) This makes you choose between a defensive or offensive playstyle
Purple Perks 1. “Breathe it in” (self healing while in gas but buff it just a little bit) its so weak right now its not even worth considering 2. “Fully Equipped” Caustics teammates get Nox Threat Vision This makes you choose between yourself or your team, increasing usefulness or caustics own lethality
Again this is just a concept. He would need balance testing and time to make sure he is not OP but the jist of it is they need to seperate his ult and tac so that they can buff parts of him without bringing back the death ring in the final circle. Let me know what you think