Y’all get 0930 work call or 0900?

Am I the only one in a unit where we have 0900 work call? It conflicts so much with 0630-0730 PT. If your a barracks soldier and want to still go to the DFAC and the on post kiosk that were supposed to have time to go to it’s impossible to drive to all these places that are 10 minutes apart and still make it to 0850 work call or else your considered late. If I get back to the barracks after pt at 0730-0740 that’s literally just enough time to shower and wash your face. Let’s break it down. If I get back to the Bs at 0735 I rush into the shower and get out at 0745. Then I change, shave and get my stuff ready. That takes 15-25 minutes so now it’s 8-810. I walk out go to my car and drive to the DFAC by the barracks now it’s 815. And it still takes 10-15 minutes to drive to work depending on traffic and if you get stuck behind a truck.

At this point if I go to the DFAC and the line is too long sometimes I just have to leave so I won’t be late. If I go to the Kiosk I risk getting stuck in traffic and being late. I also forgot to mention that if we bring food from the DFAC and eat it while working the NCOs get mad because they give us “enough” time to eat it but really they’re all fat and want to starve themselves after PT thinking that’s going to help them lose weight. Sorry I’m not in basic anymore I’m not wolfing down food anymore in garrison that’s ridiculous.

And the thing is most of the NCOs and officers don’t show up at 0850 they just show up at least 15 minutes after that.

Am I wrong for wanting to have time to sit down with the guys at the DFAC after the morning run to talk about how much we hate the Army? Who do I go to talk about changing this? Because I this point I’ll drop an anonymous tip to colonel that we barracks soldiers don’t get enough time to get food after PT.

This is a late night rant but I didn’t make it in time for dinner DFAC either today so I’ll take a fifth of vodka to wash down the anger.