How ace am I?
I don't feel as hypersexual as a lot of other people. There's only one thing that really turns me on, but I won't say it because it's a kink/fetish sorta thing. Not to mention that I feel like sex causes a lot of problems and sometimes is incredibly cringe. Particularly sexual language and actions.
However, when I put my mind to it, I do feel sexual attraction to certain people. But most people and sexual things don't turn me on that way, because I feel like it's inappropriate to be attracted to random people (e.g. "oogling" at someone's sexual areas). Those sort of people kinda disgust me.
Maybe I'm demisexual like my mum? Idk though, because I've had crushes before and there has been a fair bit of sexual attraction to them, but a couple of them were celebrities tbf. So perhaps I'm only attracted to people I know, or people I know a lot about? But a lot of the sexual preferences people have are likely very different to mine.
Personally, I think I'm 69% asexual. 😅