Aneurysm/ dissection?

Hi! I am 30F.. have health anxiety and have lately been really worried about my heart .. after a lot of tests I finally did a CT angiogram last month .. I thought all my pain and symptoms would go away but just 8 days back I had a sudden chest pain while working out on an elliptical (I worked out after a gap of a few months) .. the pain was electric kind and kept increasing while breathing .. I freaked out but I still wanted to go on and i continued to exercise.. after 15 mins the pain moved to my back and left shoulder .. I got really worried and consulted a cardiologist.. he said it's nothing to worry but if my symptoms were worsening or not going away I should get a chest xray and 2D echo cos it could be an aortic dissection .. the symptoms went away but again while walking 3 days back I had a sudden back pain and now the back pain has been persistent.. I also have abdomen pain (below breast bone) .. and left shoulder pain .. difficulty swallowing sometimes .. I feel breathless easily too .. could this be an aortic aneurysm/ dissection? My CT angiogram was normal and I also did get a CT of abdomen in August 24 ie 8 months back and it said my aorta was normal .. I'm really worried please help ..