Are girls afraid of getting asked by strangers in real life?

For the girls out there, if a stranger came up and ask for your number or IG in real life. Would you be (Scared,Hesitant, Shocked,Disgusted,Creep out?). Like the guy genuinely finds you cute and wants to get to know you more that's why he asked for social media etc.

I asked a few females and they said that if the guy fulfil the requirements of being both tall and handsome. They surely won't mind. If the guy doesn't fulfil the requirements then no need to talk anymore. I mean won't the girls be missing out potential "good guys" even though he fails to meet the requirements?

I know some guys prefer real life settings as compared to text/photo/expression are quite difficult to convey ( tinder/okc etc). Are girls conservative or not willing to date or try dating people outside of their social group?