Ever witnessed a moaning corpse?

Okay I have to give you this rather morbid humorous background. You don't have to read it, but I hope you do.

I had a friend that went to a house party somewhere in Dallas years ago. Drugs were there and being used. My friend decided he had enough and was going to leave when this young athletic blond asked my friend if he could take him home too. My friend agreed and they headed out.

They guy asked if he could lay down in the backseat so he did. My friend said he was going to head to Jack in the Box. No answer. He gets to the drive thru, hey buddy you want anything? No answer. Gets his food, eats, asks him where does he live? No answer. He calls a friend at the party no one knows him. So, he takes the guy to his home.

He tells me, "He wouldn't wake up" I asked did you think to check if he was breathing? "No" Of course he was high, but considerate enough to grab him a blanket and cover him up.

Around noon the next day his mom asked who was sleeping in the car, By this time he knew something was wrong and called 911. He was obviously dead and in rigor mortis. He said when they moved him he moaned. Paramedic said it was just trapped air. I told him next time we hangout and I don't answer check on me. LOL

He found later he was a college football player and ODed on coke,