Talking to a Spaniard. Will it lead anywhere?
So I (30F) met this Spanish guy (36M) while I was traveling. I think we had amazing chemistry and every time we were with each other we always had a lot of fun (or so I thought lol). After we parted ways he said that he’s afraid to feel more because we live so far from each other. But he invited me to come with him to travel more, but I could not because of my work commitments. After 4 months of talking online every day, he visited me. And we were planning things for the future. He said he loves me and only wants to spend his birthday with me. And he said he will come back again to visit me. We talked still but it started fizzling out…. One time he replied the day after.. another time 3 days after, where he said there’s a lot of work. We didn’t talk for two months, I took it as a hint that he’s not interested anymore. Then he hit me up yesterday about a possibility for him to move closer to me. I am so confused. I like him (a lot) but I don’t know how to move forward further, because consistency matters a lot to me in dating. Also, it is my first time “dating” a spanish guy, can you enlighten me on how to better approach this coming from a Spanish point of view.. does this mean anything or Spanish guys are just always romantic and flirtatious and I should not think of this as anything serious?