(spoilers main) the rule of three...


first post on reddit, but i just have a theory for game of thrones that i'd like to share. (makes it easier for me to rewatch the last season too)

because of the existing theory of 3 conquerors being required to lead the kingdoms into a golden age, i believe in the show dany went "mad" with grief because she wasn't mean to hold all of that sadness, grief, anger, loss, and pain all on her own. She was never meant to keep all of that, it was meant to be shared across three conquerors. because that could be the only way for them to heal. jaehaerys (jon) and aegon (faegon) (or, a third mystery person we have yet to meet in the books) were required to be BY HER SIDE THROUGH HER CONQUEST OF WESTEROS. they should have been there, they should have married and shared these burdens. they should have been able to comfort and love one another, not leave danaerys to reach the breaking point that she did in the last season. it's not fair, in my opinion. in addition, i'd like to add that i don't believe jon or aegon's roles in her life will be diminishing because she is after all, the azhor ahai. the point of three conquerers is that they are all equal in eachothers eyes, and even eachothers hearts.

art by @/chillyravenart on twt !!!


first post on reddit, but i just have a theory for game of thrones that i'd like to share. (makes it easier for me to rewatch the last season too)

because of the existing theory of 3 conquerors being required to lead the kingdoms into a golden age, i believe in the show dany went "mad" with grief because she wasn't mean to hold all of that sadness, grief, anger, loss, and pain all on her own. She was never meant to keep all of that, it was meant to be shared across three conquerors. because that could be the only way for them to heal. jaehaerys (jon) and aegon (faegon) (or, a third mystery person we have yet to meet in the books) were required to be BY HER SIDE THROUGH HER CONQUEST OF WESTEROS. they should have been there, they should have married and shared these burdens. they should have been able to comfort and love one another, not leave danaerys to reach the breaking point that she did in the last season. it's not fair, in my opinion. in addition, i'd like to add that i don't believe jon or aegon's roles in her life will be diminishing because she is after all, the azhor ahai. the point of three conquerers is that they are all equal in eachothers eyes, and even eachothers hearts.

art by @/chillyravenart on twt !!!