What's a lesser known trait of the zodiacs that you've noticed that isn't really talked about much, or an unpopular opinion?
This is all a generalization of course so don't hate me 😂. I have a habit of remembering everyones star sign that i know, and have studied them all to death. I'll go first: Leo's can be so pedantic and set in their ways about certain things, to the point they can be very bossy and domineering. Once they dig their heels In they can be stubborn and hard to reason with. They are also amazing at sticking up for themselves and others when it is needed though.
Aquarius are great conversationalists and have some interesting insights, but they lowkey have the worst temper in the zodiac. They become heightened really quickly and don't see others point of view. It usually isn't until they've calmed down later, they will admit they fucked up and shouldn't have said x,y & z. Even the ones that seem very unbothered have anger bubbling away underneath that you don't really notice until you get to know them better.
Cancer are known for their sensitivity and up & down emotions, however they are also funny as fick. Like I've genuinely never met a cancer who wasn't hilarious in some way.
I love pisces and find them to be kind and calming people, but their lack of conversational skills can make them awkward AF to be around at times. Like I get you guys are chill and don't feel the need to talk all the time, I can be much the same. But it's like they don't care to make the effort. They'll give one word answers, or just agree with whatever you say, and don't tend to be forthcoming with any info about themselves and won't ask questions. They just.... sit in silence. Maybe it's because I'm a curious saggitarius who loves learning new things about people, but I just find they always have this barrier up which makes connecting with them Difficult.
Virgo are known for being the pedantic ones, but I don't particularly find that to be true about them. They tend to be quite chill to be around and they have a great sense of humor. They really hate drama and tend to stay out of it. can also be dark horses at times, though, and have this air of mystery around them.
What are your ones?