Young ATC in the Industrial Setting.
Probably nothing new for people on this sub, but I am a young athletic trainer going through my 2nd year as an ATC. I missed out on being able to graduate with a bachelor's in this career due to the timing and I had to do a MAT program instead. 2 years of a graduate degree and thousands of dollars of debt later, I spent a year in the collegiate setting and then about 6 months in a PT clinic. I loved the collegiate setting but due to personal reasons amongst my family I needed to help provide more than what I did. The PT clinic paid more but I was treated less than a high school AT student volunteer would be. I was at a loss for words and living with so much regret, missing the collegiate setting every day.
I have now landed a job in the industrial setting, and I am grateful to be making more money than I ever have especially given it's needed to support my family, but I feel like I have lost all passion for my profession. OSHA regulations stop you from being able to provide full treatment, and you have to worry about all these policies and regulations. I don't get to write rehabs; I just evaluate and do first aid treatment. When someone is hurt, I have to refer them to urgent care where they eventually get PT and I just keep tabs on their progression. I got to build a pre-shift stretching routine for the employees, and I basically correct them on their form and ergonomics. That being said, the employees are in a union and anything you try to help with they take offense and try and file a grievance or use their union to get them out of anything that I am just trying to do to for their best interest. On top of all that, because I don't get to fully utilize my skills, there's murmurs and talks about whether bringing an ATC was worth it cost-analysis wise for the company. Everything I've loved from this profession has been stripped from me, I wish I was born sooner and could have saved myself all that debt and done this career as a bachelor's and gotten a master's paid for in a GA position.
Plenty of us all deal with the sad reality that we are not compensated for our hard work and dedication. I don't think the majority have realized just how much this affects those of us who did a master's program just to be able to sit for the BOC though. I want to look for another career like many do but going back to school just isn't an option for me like it is for others. As someone who loved this profession and felt like I was truly becoming great in thought-provoking rehab, patient-centered care, dry needling expertise, and plenty of other skills, I feel like I've brought myself to be a glorified school nurse at best. I'm not sure why I'm posting this, but I know at least a few in this community may be able to connect with what I am saying.
TLDR; A master's program for Athletic Training was the biggest regret of my life. I've lost all I loved about this profession, and I don't know where to move on from here. I guess I wrote this just wanting to rant.