Honest Opinions on Kerbey Lane

I have been a server at Kerbey for the past three years and I have seen this company change so much in that time. I also grew up visiting Austin and know that the company is nothing like what it was when I was younger or even since it opened in 1980. It has lost all of it's Austin-local, laid-back, affordable charm that the original owners intended it to be when they started the restaurant. Now it is owned by their son who wants to make it a "chickfila 3.0" (his words) that prioritizes profit and expanding over their employees and the quality of their food. People in corporate positions are making 200k salaries while some of the back of house employees are barely making liveable wage and given enough hours to pay rent. I could go on and on but the point is that I am tired of this company taking advantage of its workers and I want to write a piece for the Austin Chronicle or whoever else I can send it out to. I just want real people's opinions about the company and how it has changed over the years so it can be an honest article written by people from Austin. All discourse is welcome, but if you disagree or think Kerbey is still great let me know why you think so.