Parents: Has Easter changed now the price of chocolate is so dam much, or compared tonwhen you where children?
I have hit my 30's and my partner is 27, both having no kids. She felt like some chocolate tonight, something we agreed we have not had in a good 6ish months, as $9+ for a block of chocolate is unacceptable and it's really become a luxury item.
We then was having a look at all the chocolates we both got as kids and it got us wondering, how Easter bunny now affords to pay for all these chocolates. 2 small bags of Lindt chocolate was $40. 2 Cadbury bunnys was $15.
I was wondering what Australian Easter looks like now that the cost of chocolate is so much? Can the Easter bunny afford to give a sea of eggs to ever kid? Especially as there is less support compared to Christmas giving tree appeals.
Or has Easter changed and it's something else now, compared to mid 90's- 00's?