A question for autistic people

Hello, I am an African American woman currently seeing a white autistic male. He said something to me that made me do an eyebrow raise. He told me that autistic men usually don't go for black women because we are "too loud" and "overstimulating". He then proceed to compare us to Asian women and said that autistic men prefer Asians because they're are quieter and not Overstimulating.

He told me in the past that his type are Asian women and I asked him, "what does that make me?" He claims that I am a "new type" to him.

What are your thoughts? Please be 100% truthful.

UPDATE: Him and I talked things through. Turns out he went to different discord servers seeking advice for this situation and talked to some African Americans along with watching videos/reading articles trying to educate himself.

He realized he fucked up badly and apologized multiple times.

Now you may ask why he said that racist comment in the first place? It's because he had limited experience with black women and mostly got his negative perception of us from the Media. I am the first black girl he is dating. He only had one night stands with black women in the pasts, but nothing serious. Him and I are going to continue dating moving forward.

FINAL UPDATE: He no longer wants to see me. Him and I are no longer seeing eachother. He did it over text and didn't even have the guts to call me or say it to my face. He didn't tell me the reason why. I'm heartbroken.