What’s something that makes no sense to you no matter how many times it’s explained?
Super random, but recently I keep thinking about Schrodinger’s Cat and it makes absolutely no fucking sense to me. I’ve read so much about and like I kind of get it but also don’t at all? And I’m starting to think it’s the autism making me think too literally about it lol. The whole “simultaneously dead and alive thing” is incomprehensible to me; like wouldn’t it just be dead OR alive and you don’t know until you open the box? Why does not knowing make it both at the same time??? Am I taking this too literally? Like I’m thinking from the perspective of the cat; the cat obviously knows if it’s dead or alive so why would human perspective change that?? You can’t put a cat in a box with poison and leave it there for an undisclosed amount of time and then try to tell me the cat is alive and dead at the same time just because you haven’t checked. If you put a cat in a box with poison and leave it for a long time, the cat is dead whether it was the poison, starvation, or lack of oxygen from being trapped in a fucking box. Every time I think about it it drives me nuts for like a week
Anyways is there anything like this that makes no sense to y’all or is this just a me thing and not an autism thing lol