Autistic people, when did you “become conscious?”

Most people I know said they don’t really remember anything before they were about 5. One even said they remember nothing until they were 8 or 9.

My memories become pretty clear around about when when I turned 3, and I still recall loads before that. I think the earliest is from being 18 months old (which I know because of a few small details my mum remembered that day)

I remember thoughts, dreams and even the logic my toddler brain was using. I remember what words looked like before I could read them. Someone was really freaked out when I told them this earlier, that’s why I started wondering so here I am asking reddit. (This person also said she has an autistic relative who remembers life before they were 2, so it almost confirms my theory that this is an autistic thing)

So I’d say I became fully conscious when I was 3 or just before that. What about you? And also, please describe/elaborate what you remember and what it felt like (as you can see I am disgustingly interested in this topic and want to know everyone’s experiences)