End game advice & cube doubling

Reviewing my match blunders & came across the following #s which surprised me. I doubled when I shouldn't have - expecting him/her to resign. My reasoning was that I couldn't expect to gain anything by not doubling. If I had to guess what the gammon percentage at this point in the game - I would have guessed less than 5%. At the same time my opponent is only 1 luck roll away from being ahead of me in the race - hence the double.

My question is - where can I learn more about end game & bearing off strategies when I'm in a potential position to get a gammon. In these situations, even if I had both of my opponents checkers on the bar & a fully covered home board, I typically bear off as safely as possible working from the back to the front of my home board. My opponents will typically be able to get both of their checkers off the bar & around the board before I finish bearing off - leaving me with my expected win but never a gammon. I'm assuming there are better bearing off strategies that may be more riskier in terms of leaving a single checker open for a hit but giving me a better chance at a gammon. Any advice or direction to send me to learn more?

Race to 5 - if that makes a difference...
