Microbiome dysbiosis


Watch at the 53 minute mark.

If anyone is new to this subreddit, this is how I would recommend going about it:

  1. Rule out dental issues by going to at least 2 different dentists. Make sure theres xrays. Also go to a periodontist to make double sure its not your gums. Get a cbct scan. If all that is good, its not your teeth/gums.

  2. Go to ent. Get your ct scan of nasal/sinus. Check for stones. Some ppl have stones and no bb, some ppl have bb bc of stones. First ent only did a visual and said no stones. Second ent did ct scan and it showed stones. I wanted a tonsillectomy to rule it out - it didnt help. But glad I got them out bc they were making me sick somehow. I feel healthier without them.

  3. GI doctor. I actually think this should be the second stop before ent. But it was easier for me mentally to go thru it this way. Get endoscopy to r/o any pockets (zenkers diverticulum), acid/reflux grading, h pylori, esophageal issues, ct scan of abdominal. Just dont take any ppi’s!! Gerd and acid reflux is manageable through diet, no need for meds especially not for bb.

IF ALL IS NEGATIVE, its some form of dysbiosis. Could be orally or from gut but thats a chicken before egg type dilemma.

Dr Nathan Bryan in the link above is very credible and has a degree in biochemistry.

Andrew Huberman also had a great podcast on the gut microbiome with a scientist from stanford: https://youtu.be/ouCWNRvPk20?si=A-Zq-ieLHiIO8oEh

Short background: I’ve had bb for years but managed to live a pretty normal life up until the past 2 years when it got worse. Gum used to help me manage but now it doesnt anymore.

I will say that I started focusing on my diet in December and I have definitely seen some improvements. But healing will take time. Its not overnight.

Avoid seed oils, no processed foods, no added sugars, yogurt and fermented foods, complex carbs, and uptake in dietary fibers. Avoid alcohol. Also proper quality sleep and stress management, healthy lifestyle habits is so important for healing ❤️‍🩹

I hope 2025 is the year there is healing for all of us. Lets stay positive and help each other in an educated way forward.

Good Luck!