Anyone has SIBO?

I’ve been struggling with bb for years, and it has taken such a toll on my life. I’ve been to dentists regularly—my gums are healthy, and I get cleanings every six months. But I know I have bb because I see people’s reactions and have even received comments about it. It’s so depressing. I’ve stopped going out or socializing because of it, even though I want to.

I’m in a relationship with someone I love, and I want to heal from this so I can feel happy and confident with him.

I’ve had an endoscopy, which showed mild gastritis. I was treated, but the bad breath hasn’t gone away. My H. pylori test was negative, but I still have stomach burning every day. My next step is checking for SIBO. The issue is, I’m not in the U.S., and most clinics here don’t even offer SIBO testing—it’s only available in private clinics, which are very expensive. I’m not sure if I can afford it.

I feel so desperate to find a solution because I can’t keep living like this anymore.

I’ve been reading posts here for a long time, but it’s taken me so much courage to write this. I just want all of us to find a cure so we never have to live this way again.