does my roommate have a scat fetish???

i don’t even know where to start. i’ve been living with her (let’s call her “M”) for a few months now, and she seems normal enough. no real complaints about her in general.

i noticed early on that she insists on having her door shut all the time, whether she’s home or not, and tbh she hides in her room most of the time. that’s fine, she can do whatever she wants.

buuuuut just today i “had” to check her room because i couldn’t find my grinder (we share stuff quite a lot so it wasn’t out of the question). big mistake!!! as soon as i entered her room, i was hit with a huge stench of poop. like really gross. then i noticed…in her bin… A CONDOM FULL OF POOP???? genuinely wtf.

i’m still so shocked. i left immediately and tried to process it. why? why why why??? i tried thinking of other reasons but all i can come up with is some weird fetish or something.

i feel really bad because i shouldn’t have been in there to begin with, and really it shouldn’t bother me (maybe it’s normal??? i don’t think so). everyone has their own preferences but WTF.

i don’t know how to proceed. i feel like she’s going to sense that i’m onto her because i don’t think i can look at her the same way ever again.

so yeah!!! please help