A non-profit project to fix the state of ride-sharing (ola/uber etc.)

Edit: Our discord server has been created: https://discord.gg/gQkGEfWXbC.

Moving the discussion from this comment thread to its own post.

Is anyone interested in developing a p2p non-profit ride sharing app? I know there are a lot of challenges to be solved but I think that solving 90% of the problem is easy enough and good enough.

We can start small.

  1. Just a basic app that lets auto drivers register themselves. The app runs in the background and sends the current location to the server once every 2 minutes.
  2. When rider opens the app, he gets a map showing all the auto drivers nearby them.
  3. Rider has the option to broadcast his intended destination to all or selected nearby drivers. At this point, the app shows pre-calculated amount based on route from google maps or openstreetmaps API, this amount is the same as what a meter would have calculated. The amount is shown to both the rider and the auto driver.
  4. The rider and driver can text/call each other. They also mutually handle payment.
    • UPI has made this extremely easy. Ola/uber only complicate this part nowadays by adding random booking fees/surge fees etc. and trying to sell promotions.
    • We can build a minimal payment platform on top of UPI in v2 if the app takes off.

Marketing: We can distribute qr coded brochures to auto drivers and ask them to spread the word about this platform to the riders that they get from other platforms. They'd most likely earn more money this way so they'd be happy to do it.

If anyone is interested, please reach out. I can work on the backend and provide servers/cloud-credits, need native mobile app devs.

We can start development discussions here: https://github.com/p2prider/p2prider/issues.

No crypto/blockchain bros please.